Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things

Since I’ve been tagged several times over and really ought to be writing 10248397.3 (thanks to someone’s 22.3) random things about myself already, here is my list:

  1. Evidently, I’m the worst (or best, depending on how you look at it) procrastinator in the world.
  2. I’ve been spring cleaning since December and still haven’t finished. I’m doing it because I’m trying to get organised so I can do things properly (like study, yeah right!). There were things waaaay older than me hoarded at home. Everybody say, “Eew!”
  3. I am more visual than aural.
  4. My ambitions have—in rough chronological order—included: English lady or wife of English boy with blue eyes, archaeologist, palaeontologist, veterinarian, astronaut, traffic police (with the cool BMW bikes), model, designer, tai tai/princess, gymnast/pretzel, connoisseur, interpreter/translator, diplomat/wife of diplomat, lawyer, journalist, news caster, doctor, lawyer, beach bum/surfer girl, doctor, designer, lawyer, travel show host, sports presenter/Georgina Chang... The most constant/frequent ambition not listed? Bum 99.9% of the time.
  5. I am easily read, but have many secrets.
  6. I tell the lamest jokes. I like to amuse myself by vocalising stupid thoughts.
  7. I love my girlfriends best of all. But I used to find talking to guys a lot easier, maybe it’s got to do with the fact that
  8. I have always regarded myself to be a boy. I maintain that I was supposed to be a boy—just don’t look much like one—because I like (manual) cars, mechanical things, numbers, sports, the outdoors etc.
  9. I’m secretly vain, elitist and childish. I think I’m schizophrenic. Oh and I have a really fiery temper.
  10. I am spoilt rotten by everybody. No excuses. But I am enjoying it.
  11. I hate taking stairs but enjoy walking everywhere as long as it’s flat.
  12. I like people watching but detest crowds.
  13. “Jack of all trades, master of none” describes me well.
  14. My mantras are “Everything in moderation” and “Trying is free”.
  15. I look fierce and aloof, but am really retarded once you get to know me. I’m shy and quiet around strangers, so I hate interviews.
  16. I have high standards and high expectations of myself as well as other people.
  17. I hate cockroaches but don't mind other bugs.
  18. I have weird realistic dreams, which are a kind of mixed tapes of mutually exclusive lives.
  19. I am not a great storyteller, and I’m not the life of the party. I prefer staying at home and most of my clothes are basics.
  20. I haven’t changed since...never, looks and personality wise.
  21. I talk too much and not enough.
  22. I eat alot and I eat alot of things. But if the food is really horrid, I can’t finish. This is the litmus test for quality.
  23. Once I start, I can’t stop (e.g. the Twilight series which is less than fantastic). But sometimes, I give up.
  24. I am a perfectionist and have OCD but am very messy.
  25. I sometimes think my parents really picked me from the rubbish dump.

Oxymoron L

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