Saturday, April 2, 2011

Des Heures Dans Un Jour

Just a quick word to say I'm alive...

It's really beginning to hit home that everyone's going to be working adults in a matter of months, maybe even weeks. Can't quite get rid of that gnawing feeling in the hollow of my stomach.

I'm afraid, as I am of failure, but this time it's a very real fear of not accomplishing anything at all. It's already April and I still haven't finished any of the things I promised myself. I can't juggle applications with imminent examinations, let alone interviews and countless rejections. But grovel persist I must, and I can only pray that He will be merciful.

If I get through it all, shedding blood, sweat and tears, I can only envision falling to my knees and giving thanks. I'm so shaky, so close to the verge of collapse.. Grant me strength ): Not even going to spend another moment wishfully contemplating a grad trip I don't deserve.

Who Will Shoulder The Blame
But I?

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