Monday, July 20, 2009


Dilemma: what to do with a fair (pasty?) face and dark legs?

Option 1. Heck the no-sun policy to regain healthy colour.
Option 2. Lighten legs with money-wasting lotion.

How how how?

HOLY GUACAMOLE, there's a scandal afoot!!!!! BUT I shall not divulge.

I've been waiting for the Melissa with Zaha Hadid shoes forever but they've not arrived - tired of trooping into Pedder Red and seeing the same shoes all the time - so I went searching online. It arrives in Singapore 20th August and will be stocked at Blackjack. Problem is, it appears to be priced way out of my budget and only black and white will be brought in. Looks like the first wedge I was intent on owning - as opposed to the Fendis which are not a realistic aim - is not meant to be.

Suddenly not in the mood for Cali-ing at the end of the year. Contemplating going for the entire winter-y, skating at Rockefeller, Christmassy, queueing for (Boxing Day) sales, coats+scarves+sweaters+boots+cuteheadgear experience.

Click for sources.

I want to cut my hair soon. Grow hair, growwww!


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