Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ahoy Landlubbers!

I be religiously applyin' a mask practically ever' other eve tryin' t' upkeep me skin. Unfortunately, 't does wee fer th' garrgantuan obstinate zit that has decided t' make a homeport o' me fringe. Hopin' 't has at least reduced th' chances o' pimples springin' up like mushrooms but me thinks 'tis futile t' resist th' pressure cookarrr that be school.

Between pubic law, a nay-so-private sale an' thriftin' next high tide', I chose th' sale jus' so that I could potentially lay me grubby hands on some Irregularrrr Choice shoes—or any other fabulous ones—at a discount. O' course, bein' greedy as can be I made a date fer thriftin' on fridee too. Harhar! Meetin' awfully arrly next high tide' at eight and thirty. Please let 't nay be crowded or I be extremely cross. Gar! Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty tha' way.

More amusin' thin's from th' intarrrnet. Yoho!

_ l33t sp34k on f4c3b00k

_ sea dogs' tongue on ye olde Facebook




That be me dear sweet Mother (: I'd better be gettin' ter bunk now, ar! Good eve.

Of scallywags and mateys,

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