5 years ago
Friday, May 29, 2009
Right now, it's complicated.
Good things include... having friends at Drew, seeing friends all over, having Mom work nearby and walking with me, the boyf back safely albeit prematurely, bearing gifts, summer blockbuster releases, lovely friends, not worrying much about the recession, bff back from America, with my new mascaras and facewash, the Great Singapore Sale, a job offer (for a ciggie launch which I declined), lunch treat, not too bad skin, long-ish obedient-ish hair, finishing my old shampoo, getting to buy a new shampoo, giving presents, clearing inventory, coupons for soy ice cream (twice in 2 days), party this weekend, French open, my (mother's) new old bag, my new bag(s), ogling girls, indulging in vintage clothes bags shoes cameras... earrings too, but I can't wear, train rides that don't feel long or dreary, surprises in cases, funny anecdotes, feeling a little competent, Nadal everywhere (the current face of Lanvin L'Homme Sport fragrance), krispykreme,
Not so good things include... the boyf suffering from a tooth and gum infection, Mom suffering from a gum infection, eldest maternal aunt being very ill and refusing treatment, maladious Dad, research work ultramegaoverdose, a bipolar boss, not getting the September gig I wanted, stagnated room makeover, John Little card missing (hence no Milani), the recession, the abysmal lack of lottery luck, Singaporean swine flu, being up at unearthly hours rushing unreasonable research, the boyf going away again this weekend, no more Hong Kong, mad hot weather, might not get lunch treat, quarantined bff, Jap exams on 3 nights next week, high likelihood of not getting full marks, lack of personal time, current lack of grooming,
Feel whiney.
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